FAQ Table of Content

  What is Digital Letters?
  Video #2 More Info
  Supported Environments
  Compare to Others
  Our Rules
  Consumer Cost
  Video #3 Registration
  How does Digital Letters protect me?
  How does it work?
  How to Read Digital Letters
  Specific Information on the Home page
  How to Send Digital Letters
  How to View what You have sent?
  Specific Information on the Shared Letters page

 What is Digital Letters:  

 Digital Letters is a private communication vehicle dedicated to supporting you and keeping your information yours.
 It is your information, and you will have total control over it!

 We Don't sell your information!
 We Don't track you or your friends!  
 We Don’t allow ANY advertising!

 Digital Letters gives you back your privacy!

  Video #2 Why Digital Letters?

 Supported Environments:  

   Works best with: FireFox, WaterFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari. Microsoft Edge
      ( not supported within Internet Explorer 'IE' )

 Compare to Others  

 Digital Letters is the only service where you can control your information and identity.
 Look at the table below comparing Major Email providers against Digital Letters.

 Digital Letters provides you, what you have been denied.

 Our Rules:  

 View the Terms of Service    

 The old way of sending emails about the world is GONE!!!
 Begin today by taking total control of your information and data.

 Resources and Costs

 Digital Letters is dedicated to keeping your information private and secure.
 As a company we are NOT SELLING your information or data!
 However, there is a cost to running and providing secure services like these.
 Once you join, your price will not change.

 2025 Price Reduction to $5.00 Monthly or $36.00 Annually.
 You will be billed now, should you decide to cancel in the first 30 days we will refund 100% of the price
 After 60 days your account will be billed either $5.00 per month, or billed annually at $36.00.
 Again, you can cancel your account at any time.

 Begin today and take Total Control of Your Information and data!

  Video #3 Registration

 How does Digital Letters protect me:  

 Digital Letters provides the ability to control your digital information.
 This system is not shared, it's not in the cloud.
 We know where your data is and keeps it locked down for you.
 Your Digital Letters are encrypted in transit and at rest.
 We DON’T Allow Advertising!
 We provide additional privacy by limiting who can get in (i.e., the secure registration).
 Other platforms sell your information to make Billions from you. We Don’t!
 Most importantly your original Digital Letter is locked down once you release it to whoever you are sending it to.
 Meaning you can allow or not allow recipients to forward or reply to your message, they cannot alter the original message.
 Once a letter is released it cannot be altered in anyway.
 You as the author can delete any sent letter by simply clicking the destroy button and it is gone from everywhere.
          - - this means it is removed from everyone it was sent to or forwarded to, this even removes all attachments.

 How does it work:

 You will send messages and attachments similar to email.
 When you create a Digital Letter it is sent similar to email; however, it is never blasted across the internet.
  You can send to Anyone inside or outside Digital Letters; however, the outside cannot send to you, they can only reply to things you have sent them.
     This equates to NO more Spam, Hackers, Spoofing, etc. filling up your inbox - no more unwanted trash.
     Authors can create Digital Letters with multiple options.
         - Allow recipients to reply and forward the Digital Letter.
         - Deny recipients the ability to forward the Digital Letter.
         - Deny recipients the ability to reply the Digital Letter.
         - Send with OTV (One Time View) so when the recipient(s) reads the Information its destroyed immediately.
                - *There is no recovery of this information or attachments. .
     Authors can track their Digital Letters. Authors can view who has seen, deleted, or forwarded their Digital Letters.
     Authors can Destroy their Digital Letters at any time - today, tomorrow or 10 years from now.
         - *Once you do this there is no recovery of this information or attachments.
 Bottom line is the Author of their Digital Letters retains the ability to track, view, and delete/destroy their Digital Letters at any time.
         -It does not matter if the Digital Letter is 10 seconds old or 10 years old.

 How to Read Digital Letters:  

 From the Home Page, click on the 'Subject' you want to read.
 If you want to delete the letter click on the 'Delete' button and that record will be removed from your display

 Once you opened or read a Digital Letter you can choose, to Close, Reply, Reply to All, Forward or delete this specific letter.
 If you are sending to people outside of Digital Letter they will receive a one-time link.
          If the recipient doesn’t see the letter in their ‘Inbox’, have them check their spam or junk folder.
         Again this is a ONE-TIME link and they can only reply to the author as they are visitors to this system.

 Try it out, you will rest easy knowing your personal, intellectual, and business information is safe and secure.
 You will want to tell your friends, family, and colleagues to join so that they can benefit from the same privacy and security that you are receiving.

  A Quick look at the Home Page

 How to Send Digital Letters:

 From the Digital Letters Home page click on the tab 'Create Letter' - this will open a new window.
         If you are attaching files do this first -click the top tab 'Attach File' and browse to the files you desire to attach.
         Currently you can attach up to 8 files per Digital Letter
 Entering Recipients: enter recipients separated by ';' (semi-colon), this is valid for all three lines: To:, CC:, and BCC
        for users within Digital Letters do not add @digitalletters.com behind the username, use just their username
        for businesses within Digital Letters you will need to add their company suffix, like person@plumbing
        example:   person1;person2;person4;thomas@plumbing
 Entering Recipients outside of the Digital Letters, just enter the full email address and again if entering more than one user separate them with a ';' semi-colon
        example:   someone@email.com
        Note someone receiving a Digital Letter, outside of this system - may have to initially check their spam or junk folder for the email

 How to View what You have sent:

 From the Home page click on the 'Shared Letters' link, on the left - this will open the shared letters page.
 Clicking on the Details button, will display the status of your shared letter.
        Hovering over the recipients name you will see the date and time stamp of when they viewed, deleted, replied, or forwarded the letter.
        If someone forwarded your letter you can track that by clicking on the forwarded button and follow its path forward.
 Clicking on the Destroy button will delete your letter from everywhere, including any attachments- *this is not recoverable.
        If you allowed others to forward the Digital Letter it will be removed from all of these recipients too.
  A Quick look at the Shared Letters Page

 Interested in business or corporate use, contact tsupport@votp.com


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